Cherry helps you Create, Collaborate and Preserve ever lasting memories with your loved ones in a safe, secure and effortless way.
Be it a celebration, an outing or a casual get-together, quickly create a memory for the occasion and invite others to collaborate to it. All collaborators can keep adding their moments to the memory as it evolves to become a beautiful story that we preserve for you to revisit anytime you want.
All the media added as moments to a memory is stored in a safe and secure way such that it can be accessed only by the members of memory.
Key features :
• Hassle free sharing of original high quality images as moments among all collaborators of the memory.
• Choose whom you share your memories with. We value your privacy.
• Easily download original or compressed version of moments by other contributors.
• Integration with native contact list for collaboration by members.
• Cherry is completely free with no advertising.
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